Separators use Selection Guide
Separators use Selection Guide
1.Selects the separators consider the fem of materia .crrectly
simultan eauly.the iron requirements,the use of the environ-
ment and Separators its own characteristics.
2.When ferrous materials in more;should use a continuous
row of the ability to dump iron electromagnetic,permanent
magnet Separators (RCDC, RCDD, RCDF, RCYC RCL, CFLT series)
3.When the iron content of less material ,to choose artificial
dumping of iron-electromagnetic,permanent magnet Separators
(RCDA,RCDB RCDE and RCY series).Appropriate to reduce
the hoisting height,in addition to iron.
4.When the dust more serious use of the environment.should
use the whole structure of the Separators closed as RCDB
RCDD, RCDF series of electromagnetic products and RCYB,
RCYD series of permanent magnet products.
5.When the power capacity constrained,Being suible to choose
PM Separators.
6.Separators belt machine installed in his head:The materials
are due before the impact and in addition to loose-iron.But
Separators at the bottom of the round should take the initiative
to non-iron magnetic materials.
7.Separators installed in the central belt machine (both cross
layout): In order to improve performance in addition to iron.
can be installed in the tape by the WCG series of non linear
magnetic roller.
8.Absorption of the magnet can not be non-magnetic metal
materialsto choose GJT series metal detector test.warning of
downtime after jianchu.
9.Separators iron absorption has the following characteristies;
the easy absorption of small short;suction tip the ball easily;
suction easy to move the static. In addition to higher iron on
the occasion.should be appropriately raise separators specifi-
cations or a multilevel addition to iron.
10.When uses the multistage to except them;In addition to
the after-iron suction should be higher than the level before
the Iron suction.Otherwise,the after-effects of poor Separa-
tors in addition to iron.
11 .When it have little pieces of iron materials,the use of
metal detectors CJT series of exciting and strong Dump
electromagnetic Separators for use,power-sfficient energy saving,
and the exception of iron have good effect.
12.Magnetic materials in addition to iron a variety of ways,
the situation complicated and I are advised to coordinate with
each other and technology corporation.according to the user
for special purposes,special environment for the conduct of
special design.
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